Rick - I use L or M for most comfortable viewing on my screen and when
I send a link to the list. ... from the drop down "fit" isn't a choice
that is shown but "FILL" is... We may have different levels of
subscription - or you typoed fit :-)
I'm guessing fill or fit has to be in the control of the viewer and
would differ depending on what hardware is being used.. but I dont'
really know enough to
say that for certain.
This is how I see your Plaza shot most comfortably,
If I use "fill" the top of the frame butts into the edge of my tool bar
-- I like to viewos with the black background all the way around and the
with a couple of inches on each side at least...
But your files are all much smaller than mine to start with and there
arent so many choices in the window.
The index page / landing page comes up exaxtly as mine do - filling the
not usre this is much help
Post by Rick WomerAnn, lately I've been clicking "size" and then "fit" for each pic
(forgot to do so for Rome Walk 2, though).
If you know a way for "fit" to be the default, please share it!
Post by ann sanfedeleMore nice stuff, Rick -- I like the long shot of the Plaza and the
closeup of all those bottles the best .
Viewing this album of yours on smugmug was a "kaching" regarding
viewing everyone work here now. smugmug now also gives me a problem
using the + or - keyboard commands - same thing looking at my own work
on my own smugmug site.. but fortunately I know where the photo sizing
button is in smugmug.
Post by Rick Womerhttps://rickwomer.smugmug.com/Italy-11-2018/Rome-Walk-1/
Comments always appreciated.
ann sanfedele photography
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